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Sarah Zendle

Personal Statement

I am a Colorado native, a nature lover, and a student (and teacher) of mathematics. My close relationship with nature informs much of the way I create. I spend my free time climbing, canyoneering, backpacking, and experiencing nature in every way I can. These hobbies have instilled in me a level of humility and respect for the natural world - there is so much that I am unable to control, and I must be fluid and flexible, adapting to circumstances as they come along. This fluidity is reflected in my creation process: I tend not to get too attached to one concept; rather, I follow the process where it takes me, unconcerned with where I end up.


My background in mathematics also influences this process. Because I spend so much of my time working through problems with one solution, meticulously showing every step along the way, I tend to treat most aspects of my life with a level of frankness and blunt honesty. I do not shroud my true intent or meaning in layers of metaphor or suggestion - rather, I come straight out with what I mean, and I do the same when creating art. My goal is not to make the viewer puzzle over my intended meaning, but to puzzle over a clear statement I have made and how they feel about that statement. In short, I intend to communicate clearly and allow the viewer to provide the ambiguity.

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